Learn English Love English

Express Yourself: Enhancing Your Vocabulary for Better Spoken English

best-spoken English classes in Kolkata

English speaking is a much-needed skill in this rapidly evolving world, empowered by rapid development in the communication system, which binds the whole world together. Because of this, uniformity in the mode of communication has become a necessity to mitigate the communication barrier between different languages. It is where English plays a significant role. It is the most commonly used language in the world and is used by many nations for exchanging communications for business and other purposes. This is why the demand for good English speakers is significantly rising in India. But is speaking English enough? Obviously no! One needs to be expressive enough to have a meaningful conversation. From our experience in providing the best spoken English classes in Kolkata, we will share some insights on how to be expressive while communicating in English.

The importance of expression

Mastering the art of expression is not a big deal; every individual knows how to express themselves in their mother tongue. But when it comes to English, things become different. Expression is different in different languages, and it is determined by how we talk, how we express our feelings, our tone, the use of slang, the use of phrases, and many other things. Expression is not something we taught in beginner’s spoken English classes but in the later advanced classes.

However, in our spoken English classes in Kolkata, we have observed that many students face difficulties expressing themselves in English but can do it in their native language. This is because of a gap in their perception and understanding of English. They might know everything related to written English but do not know the exact vocabulary required to express it.

From our experience in providing the best spoken English classes in Kolkata, what we do to make our students more expressive is to make them practice a lot. Our best faculties make every student practice English daily so that they can improve their vocabulary quickly. Moreover, the feedback provided by our faculty also outlines the actions required to make your English vocabulary more expressive. However, you can also learn to be expressive in English by knowing some tips and tricks, which are given in the next section.

Tips and tricks to become more expressive in English

  • Expanding your vocabulary

You can become more expressive in English if you learn new words every day. This will help you express ideas more precisely.

  • Read more

If you read every idea, then you will get an idea of how to express yourself by maintaining versatility as you will be exposed to different writing styles. Reading helps the human brain express itself better by developing overall language skills.

  • Learn idioms and phrases

It is important to learn the use of idioms and phrases to add flair to your speech, which is essential for better expression. However, it is important to understand the context of idioms.

  • Watch English movies and TV shows.

If you watch English movies and TV shows, then you will develop an idea about how expressions work in English culture. It is important to observe how characters express themselves and also pay attention to intonation, gestures, and body language.

  • Participate in Group Discussions

Engaging in discussions is also a useful way to articulate your thoughts effectively. Try to take part in group discussions can help elevate clarity and coherence for enhancing your expression skills.

Learn English Love English is the best spoken English institution in Kolkata, experienced in providing the best spoken English classes in Kolkata. We aim to prepare you for any challenges in real life related to English communication. The best thing about us is that we do not have any age barriers, which means you can enrol yourself in any spoken English course in Kolkata for any purpose. Check out our website and contact us for information.

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