Learn English Love English

5 Tips for Improving Your Pronunciation in Spoken English

English speaking has become an integral part of the corporate world and so is the importance of accurate pronunciation. In any situation say it within your academic or professional circles or in any kind of social situation, wrong pronunciation always makes you look foolish. If you are pronounced wrong deliberately in an interview or at counseling for your abroad studies it can give a negative impression and you might lose the opportunity. We here at Learn English Love English, the best spoken English institution in Kolkata would like to share 5 pro tips on how to improve your pronunciation.

  1. Listen to yourself: 

Sometimes it might be hard for you to realize that you are pronouncing any word wrong especially when you are focusing on your speed and fluency. Thus, it is always recommended to hear yourself speak and try to search for the areas of wrong pronunciation. You can also take the help of technology, search for accurate pronunciation online, and after recording your voice, try to improve.

  1. Slow down: 

Many new English speakers think that speaking fast can help them develop better fluency; however, it is somewhat true but not at all recommended for beginners. In our spoken English classes in Kolkata, we always guide our students to start speaking slowly, because if in the beginning you try to speak fast then there high chance to invite some bad habits into your speaking the first being the mispronunciation of words.

  1. Pay attention to intonation and stress:

Good pronunciation is not only limited to mastering individual sounds rather deals a lot with understanding intonation or the rise and fall of the voice and stress. This can be better by attentively observing and listening to accurate pronunciation and at the same time focusing on the stress of the words alone and in sentences.

  1. Practice alone:

Mistakes in pronunciation happen because you try to focus more on speed and persistence. Thus, for such cases, it is always recommended to practice spoken English by engaging yourself in different kinds of imaginary situations such as ordering at a restaurant or asking for directions.

  1. Get involved with English:

Last but not least is to get yourself fully involved in English. Do everything in English starting from reading, writing, listening to English songs, watching English movies, taking part in English conversation and the list goes on. This will help you to develop a better idea and conception of how to pronounce words effectively. Singing a song aloud can also help you understand and implement intonation.

Following these 5 pro tips can help develop your pronunciation in a very short time and in an effective way. As mentioned earlier pronunciation in spoken English is as important as grammar in written English. Learn English Love English, being the best spoken English institution in Kolkata, understands the common areas of mistakes in every individual beginning to speak English, and thus curated the best spoken English courses in Kolkata for beginners. Check out our website enroll with us and start speaking English like the native ones.

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